Sunday, January 20, 2008

Super Metroid

Time for my first Virtual Console Review. I couldn't think of a better game to start this out with.

Super Metroid was originally released for the Super Nintendo. It was the first game (other than the original Metroid to a lesser extent) to give you a gigantic map to navigate where you need to go back and forth to get into new areas every time you find new items. If you enjoy games like more recent Castlevania games and others, you have Super Metroid to thank.

For $8 on the virtual console, you can't beat the fun of this. I played this game when it was first released and not since. I picked it up on the VC about two weeks ago and can't put it down. I'm about 30 hours in, and still don't think I'm too close to the end.

Sometimes frustrating, but always satisfying when you get past those rough areas, this game really delivers.


Anonymous said...

did you say 30 hours? no fucking way. with a lot of exploration, that's no more than a 12 hour game.

Unknown said...

12 hours? big joke. i completed it, with perfect percentage in 3 hours